Associate Professor
Universitat Ramon Llull
Dra. In Sports Sciences, Physiotherapist specialized in sports and osteopathy. Active member of the absolute swimming team since 1995. Professor of the degree in Sports Sciences at FPCEE Blanquerna since 2002, Professor of the Blanquerna Official Training Master since 2010. Professor of the Official Master of Preadaptation to the UCV effort since 2016. Head of the RFEN injury prevention team. She had participated as a physiotherapist in the Sydney'00, Athens'04, London'12 and Rio'16 Olympics. The Beijing'08 Olympic cycle I worked for the Olympic Slalom team. She collaborated with the federations of swimming, cycling, athletics (Turkey, Slovenia and Portugal), canoeing, motorcycling, tennis, handball and basketball from before graduating in 1994 to the present.
Research Interest